TALES FROM THE CRYPT by Canisius Banda
DEVOID of the nobility of helping, and devoid of love, that energy which keeps human beings together and decent, when healthcare becomes solely a vehicle for making profit, things fall apart.
Human beings then become mere tradable commodities to be used and dispensed with as the market may determine. Capitalism then dons on an evil robe.
It was a close-knit family, small and young, full of verve, life and promise. But it was shattered.
Some of the things that God does are just beyond cruel. You see, dear reader, I know that God creates and de-creates all things.
Some say it is the devil to blame. I say really? The devil is overrated, perhaps only a utilitarian entity, a smokescreen for man’s own wrongs.
You inconsolably cry, you gnash your teeth, you are left shaking your head and wondering just why. The seeming meaninglessness of the whole thing utterly confounding.
He was an entrepreneur without equal this one. Everyone said that soon he would make CEO.
He was young, in his thirties, and he was upwardly mobile. His wife was the kind that every man imagines for himself.
They had two healthy children, both below the age of ten, daughters. Their two adorable little angels, they liked to say. And they had just moved into their own new house, mortgage fully paid and all.
All was well really. Things were looking good.
His work ethic explained the healthy bank balance which his company enjoyed. He was an exemplary employee, manager par excellence.
Death came from nowhere. It was a bolt completely out of the blue.
One day, everyone was praising him for having chaired a board meeting exceptionally well. The next day he was dead.
That is just how sudden his death was. You see, the robbery of his life was far worse than that of the proverbial thief in the night.
His death devastated everyone. Everyone was shattered to bits.
Even the doctors that examined his body upon its arrival were left shaking their heads, wonder and confusion all over their faces.
His wife, shocked and utterly consumed with grief, lost her mind. His workmates were speechless, too numb to think, let alone utter a word.
But why? Many people, seeking answers, were incoherently heard saying. He surely is a victim of poisoning this one, jealousy at work, others conjectured.
Everything had escalated rather fast. The day he died he woke up fine.
It was when his wife was escorting him to the car, their car, that he suddenly clutched his chest and complained of pain. Though nothing came out, he had also began to cough.
With the car only a few metres away, failing to walk on, he repeatedly squatted, every time breathless. With each step that he tried to make, his shortness of breath would worsen.
Barely breathing, strapped onto but slumped in the passenger seat, his wife immediately drove him to the hospital. Clearly it was a medical emergency.
Bashi Bupe! Bashi Bupe! Along the way, she lovingly called to him. He said nothing, his eyes closing.
She nearly lost control of the car when she noticed that he had become unresponsive.
BID. Brought-in-dead. That was the entry at the hospital. Imagine that.
Her husband died on the way. The doting husband and loving father to their girls was no more. Just like that, as if a switch.
She couldn’t understand what had just happened. That is how her mind ceased, collapsed.
It wasn’t long that some people began to point fingers at her. It is her that has killed him, as is usual in these African circles, some people argued.
Afuna kudya yekha ndalama zake. Bakazi ba these days, bapaya, they gossiped. Malice was in the air. Idle tongues wagged everywhere.
Pulmonary Thrombi. That is what the autopsy report said.
What had killed him had been found. You see, the post-mortem operation revealed that blood could no longer circulate in his lungs because clots had formed in the lung vessels, suddenly blocking them.
What the autopsy report did not say was why the clots had formed in the first place, the reason behind the agglutination.
As is usual with all pathologists, they take a history of the dead person before conducting the autopsy. This is to say that they ask relevant questions about the life of the person before he died.
Yes, he had not suffered from any disease since his birth, the wife had said during her lucid moments. He had been as fit as a fiddle, she emphasized.
Then she remembered something. Three months before, he had been invited to an international business conference.
He was one of the keynote speakers there. And that he had travelled.
But then she remembered that, as the mandates dictated then, he was required to take a jab before departure for the conference. All those expected to attend the conference were required to take that protective medicine.
She remembered that she had escorted him to a hospital for him to take the medicine. Could that be what killed her husband? She wanted to know.
That was how the pathologist discovered that his patient, the dead man, had received a vaccine about three months before his death. From the medical slip that the wife had provided, he noted that it was an mRNA vaccine for COVID-19.
As if clutching at straws, as if groping in the dark, that is how the pathologist began his forensic investigation. Something within him told him that something strange, something very dark, was going on out there.
In time, he began to see the exact same findings in other bodies he operated on. Nearly weekly.
The story was the same. Young person. No previous history of sickness. Fit as a fiddle. Sudden death.
Clots. Clots in the legs. Clots in the head. Inflammation everywhere. Micro-thrombi in many organs. Auto-immunity. Clots everywhere. Strokes.
Why were so many previously healthy young men and women suddenly turning up dead? And why now?
He labelled it Adult Sudden Death Syndrome [ASDS].
He was later to learn that the consumption of heparin, an anticoagulant, had spiked in the community. Somehow, the talk of blood thinners was trending in the community. Cinnamon was running out of stock.
The curious mind that he was, he probed and probed and probed. Seek and you will find, he was from that school of thought.
That is how he found it. It was a can of worms. Filthy stinking worms.
It was unthinkable horror. How could such a thing ever have happened in the name of healthcare?
It was a scandal beyond all scandals.
Why was it allowed to happen? Was it deliberate? These, and many other, insomnia-inducing questions flooded his mind.
To this day, he has not publicly shared the findings of his forensic audit. Strangely, he fears that no one would believe him. Further, he fears for his practicing license and life.
And for fear of losing the damning report that he has, as if a madman, he always moves with it on his person wherever he goes. He places it beneath his pillow when sleeping.
What frightened him the most was the silence. Why no one was speaking out about a genocidal wrong that was in plain sight. It seemed to him, a man whose staple was fact and truth, a diabolical conspiracy. To him, lots of powerful people appeared to be in on it.
Commonly, death comes slowly. You can see it from a mile away, approaching. It shows signs before it arrives. But sometimes, its suddenness is utterly shocking, leaving everyone devastated and confused, even diseased.
However, in all cases of death, there is a cause. And in many cases, with the required medical and public health interventions, death can be delayed. It can be negotiated with and kept at bay, indefinitely.
Why does God allow such utter cruelty? You may ask. But then, all events might just be a manifestation of the self-correcting existential framework that we find ourselves in, which He Himself created.
So, urging us on to become incandescent, he says, my people perish because of ignorance. Maybe therein lies the answer.
Become light then, dear reader. Perhaps, just perhaps, you may find that peace which surpasses all understanding which you seek.
To this day, she is catatonic, a sorry cabbage, her life altered forever. She remains unresponsive to her surroundings and others.
Disillusioned, his girls remain fatherless, their future uncertain, now classified by the State as OVCs [Orphans and Vulnerable Children]. A wry twist of fate indeed.
Today, under the guise of providing healthcare, many lives are either being maimed or terminated. That this is being done deliberately as the unhinged pursuit of profit continues and represents the utter decadence of our times, pure, unadulterated evil.
It is an unfolding horror story that, through the vigilance of individuals, institutions and nations, must quickly be ended. The ongoing nefarious manipulation of healthcare must cease forthwith.
The need to restore faith in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries has never been more urgent. Presently blighted by rogue scientists, the number of global sceptics about them is rising.
Explains why the United States of America has now withdrawn from the World Health Organization [WHO].
Health has now been weaponized. Unbeknownst to them, unsuspecting, many people globally are consuming health goods and services that are harming or killing them.
Our young must always be groomed to put people before profit. It is a no-brainer, is it not, that there can not be profit without people?
Darkness comes. But then light dawns and reveals everything.
Hope is. Hope remains.
Send your comments to: bandacanisius@gmail.com