114 disabled added as voters
By Tony Nkhoma
ONLY 114 certified voters by disability were added to the latest Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) Certified Register of Voters for the period February 2024 to February 2025.
The latest ECZ register includes 39 individuals who are blind, 10 wheelchair users, 42 who are deaf and 23 who use crutches while walking.
ECZ chief electoral officer Brown Kasaro said this at a press briefing in Lusaka during the announcement of the second certification of the Register of Voters under the Continuous Registration of Voters process.
It followed the first certification conducted on February 21, 2024.
Kasaro said a total of 36,651 registered voters constituting 19,699 males and 16,952 females were incorporated into the Register of Voters for the period February 2024 to February, 2025.
He said the certified voters brought the total number of registered voters to 7,073,513 from 7,036,862 which was the total number of registered voters as certified in February, 2024.
“Out of the total 7,073,513, registered voters 3,774,060 are female representing 53.3 percent while 3,299,453 are male representing 46.7 percent. One hundred and fourteen individuals with disabilities were added to the total of 7,073,513. This group includes 39 individuals who are blind, 10 wheelchair users, 42 who are deaf, and 23 who use crutches,” Kasaro said.
He said the new Register of Voters replaced all previous registers and would remain in force until another updated register of voters was prepared and certified.
Lusaka Province has the highest number of Certified Registered Voters standing at 1,218,935 followed by Copperbelt with 1,032,253, and Eastern Province with 954,227.
Southern is fourth with 858,103, Central 632,269, Northern 612, 696, Luapula 569,805, Western 450,058, Muchinga 353,095 and North-Western has the lowest with 392,072 voters.