He had had her the whole night, like a man who had overdosed on the aphrodisiac called 7-Hours.
He didn’t even care whether she had come or not, whether her own satisfaction was an issue, whether it mattered at all.
It is indeed strange how poor people, poor men in particular, find the energy to mate hours on end, as if by that very act alone, wealth would be created.
He was her husband, a jerk alright, like most of them anyway. His job was to provide for and protect his family, but as far as grades went, he wouldn’t pass at it.
Iyi boma yationonga, you would hear him often say, to justify and explain away his failure at the management of the economics in his own home. This indeed was a poor man.
One wouldn’t say she was proud of him. But she stayed anyway.
2026 bazaciona, he would add, as if that’s the year heaven would come to Earth. Or as if that’s the year that his mindset would change.
She needed more sleep but dawn would soon break. She had chores to tend to. So at the first cock’s crow, she got off the reed mat. He was still snoring. He snored so badly like a person with COPD [Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease] that sleep by his side had always been impossible.
In preparation for this morning, the night before she had cooked Samp. Today she would add ground groundnuts to it. She had been told by her own mother that children did well when fed on such a nutritious diet.
My daughter, nutrition is everything if you want to raise healthy and bright children, her mother would advise.
You see, dear reader, sometimes, the only inheritance you need from those that come before you is knowledge.
Balancing a large clay pot on her head, barefoot, she headed to the stream to fetch water. She did that every day, a distance of not less than a kilometre.
A human being is an aqueous creature. A human being comprises over 70 per cent water.
All metabolism in the human body occurs in an aqueous environment. It is literal, water is life.
It follows then that access to clean and safe water both saves and thrives lives. But today in Zambia, only 50 percent of rural citizens have access to clean and safe water.
You see, there can be no sanitation without water. And without sanitation, people die.
And this is the exact reason why Zambians, this year in 2025 in Chililabombwe, have died. Just thinking you see, the cost of chartering an aircraft to and from Japan which the State incurred recently might have saved these lives.
Yes, the misallocation of public, the government’s resources kills people. And Zambia today is guilty of this heinous crime against humanity.
Tied to her bosom, as she walked to the river, was her 18 months old son. He was breastfeeding Like a balm, the warmth of his mother’s skin kept him vivified and buoyant.
Early infant feeding, breastfeeding that is, is a vital public health intervention that can end nearly all neonatal deaths. Through colostrum and many other goodies/nutrients that are found in the breast, it is mothers that first ensure that we survive the inclement, microbe-infested environment that we find ourselves in the moment we are born.
Just before she started off for the stream, she had started the fire upon which the pot containing the Samp now sat. The sieved powdered groundnuts waited for her return like sentries charged with the task of keeping danger away.
Household nutritional security thrives nations. It is responsible for the required growth and development of children.
A child that is fed well develops accordingly both physically and cognitively. On the other hand, a child that is malnourished will stunt.
When a stunted child becomes an adult, his or her attention span is shorter then expected/normal, his or her performance at anything tends to be below par and such adults have an inclination towards violence for their survival.
Besides, chronic hunger and malnutrition impede learning. And Zambia today, as if not a Christian nation, ranks among the top ten countries with the hungriest citizens.
Further, it is therefore extremely worrying that, in Zambia at present, nearly 50 percent, half of all children below the age of five, are stunted. This, dear reader, is a veritable time-bomb that when it explodes will explain the collapse of this nation.
She was back, and he was still snoring. She could hear his annoying guttural sleep sounds from outside their hut. She stuck to her routine.
As the Samp cooked to her expectation, she got a broom made of twigs and began to tidy up the compound. She gathered all the waste and placed it on the designated rubbish dump site .
Appropriate waste management is a key social determinant of health. You see, there is a linkage between waste and disease.
Cholera has again broken in Lusaka. This is largely because Lusaka and the rest of Zambia, besides having dysfunctional councils, teems with filthy and unclean citizens.
She then bathed all her children. She kept all of them clean.
Though she had never heard of Buddha, Mohammad or Jesus, God would still have been impressed with her standard of hygiene. A clean woman is an asset to any village.
Her deeds matched her faith.
‘Wamvela ati bacinja ndalama?’ he was rubbing sleep off his eyes with his hands, standing in the doorway of their hut. Up now.
As if deaf, she said nothing. He said it as if he had stashed away billions of old money in some hidden ground somewhere.
The Samp now ready, she was now feeding her children by the hut, outside.
‘Make, nikamba na iwe. Siwumvela,’ he retorted.
‘Naimwe cinjankoni.’ There was venom in her voice.
Stunned, sleep now totally gone, he asked:‘Nicinje cani?’
‘Cinjankoni khalidwe.’
Her words entered him like a lance. Those words caused him so much pain that he became disorientated. So numbed, he became speechless.
Focused, she then placed warm water for his bath in their change house. Made of grass, it stood a few metres from their hut.
Then she laid the food on table for his breakfast. That done she was ready to leave. She had other tasks to perform.
‘Nipeleka bana ku sukulu,’ she informed him as she bade him goodbye.
Two of her children had become of age. They were now ready to start grade one of primary school. And today was enrolment day. She didn’t want to be late.
Granted, educated people rarely fall sick. Educated women rarely die from complications of pregnancy.
Educated citizens are responsible for millions of dollars of their governments’ health expenditure savings. Governments spend more on uneducated citizens than educated ones.
You see dear reader, there is a direct linkage between education, the quality of life and life expectancy. The less ignorant you are the less likely you are to catch typhoid or die.
On enrolment day, at any school in the world, you will find more mothers with their children than fathers. The very first teacher of any child is his or her mother.
It follows then that when you appropriately educate a woman you build nations, you save the world. An educated woman is the required guardian of her village.
Enrolment done, she stopped by the local clinic so that her under five child could get all the vaccines that were due.
Immunization saves lives. The call then for vaccine safety is therefore a call for global health security.
That vaccines today have become a vehicle for mere profiteering by big pharma is a calamity that must be stopped immediately . The weaponisation of vaccines for nefarious operations such as covert population control of targeted ethnicities is also an evil that requires urgent and collective attention by all upstanding nations and should forever be rooted out of our midst.
Contaminated vaccines, either deliberately or by accident, today explain thousands of infertility cases in East Africa. Though today nearly every scientist will tell you that there is no linkage between autism and vaccines, at the risk of having a lot of contrived shit thrown my way, I will tell you that there is.
Trust the science, dear reader, and not the scientist. In this world teeming with rogue scientists, I will tell you the reason why you shouldn’t believe everything that scientists say in subsequent articles.
Truth be told, under the guise of presenting evidence, some scientists deliberately deceive. Just the same way pastors do it using God.
As she left the clinic, she collected her fresh supply of contraceptives. It was her closely-guarded secret.
She didn’t share with him. He just wouldn’t understand, that was her justification for that conjugational clandestine measure that she had undertaken.
Child spacing improves child rearing, some woman she admired had once whispered that to her. And that advice had stuck.
It was mid afternoon when she returned home. His speech was slurry. That is how she knew that he was already drunk.
Kachasu and her husband were very close allies. She didn’t agree though with that relationship.
‘Bacosapo freedom statute.’
Bapeleka kuti, she wanted to say but she remained quiet.
‘Iyi ndiye satanism zoona. Kucosapo freedom statue sure!’ he went on as if he was a self-made retired mposa mabwe, as if he himself had fought for some freedom in his life.
She was later to know from her friends in the village that he was talking about new Zambia’s Kwacha notes.
The population of women is always more than that of men in the world. This is nature’s way. It is deliberate. This is so because, in so far as the survival of mankind is concerned, women matter more.
Women both proliferate and survive our kind, mankind. Women are the heroes of the survival and prosperity of our species.
When you honour a mother, you honour God.
Mothers are the legends of our creation.
You now see why it is called the mother tongue.
You now see why it is called the mother land.
As they were about to sleep, and as if high on Nsunko, a local mind-altering, psychoactive substance, she said: ‘Nanga imwe muzacosapo cani?’
His eyes narrowed, his brow knitted, confusion clear on his face, as if he had been asked to give the formula for calculating gravity on Jupiter.
Sensing that he was lost, she went on: ‘Mwakamba ati bacosapo freedom statue. Naimwe cosaniponi boma kaili. Kapena tingakhaleko bwino.’
Placing one of his hands on the warm skin of his wife’s onion-shaped behind, very, very broadly, he smiled like an idiot. As the arms of Morpheus embraced him, he was still smiling.
Umanena chatsitsa dzaye, poti njovu ithyoke mnyanga. This is a Chichewa saying, dear reader, which means that, for every effect, look for its cause, and you will find it. Godspeed!
Send your comments to: bandacanisius@gmail.com