This is a health column. You should read it. It is healthy that you do. There is no other such health column anywhere in the world today.
This invaluable mind food being offered to you is unique to this page. Trust me. It will nourish you like no other food to the required state of wellbeing.
This is spiritual food, a piece of Universal download.
In this column, you will learn what health is and how disease starts. You will also learn how to stay healthy and what is required for you to stop disease.
You see dear reader, in life, one’s relevance to a community wanes with time. As a consequence, I believe in mentoring and grooming others, and eventually, in passing on the baton.
So then, after over two decades of being a columnist, of stringing for nearly every newspaper in Zambia, I had called it a day. I had retired, left this noble pastime to younger, greener creatures.
But there is something priceless I have seen under the sun. I have seen that the older one gets the more important it becomes to provide guidance, to play an advisory role. Explains why I am back.
Yes, immortality is possible. But the question is, is it necessary?
You see, beyond a certain age, haven’t you noticed that everything becomes repetitive? You start redoing, even poorly, what you did better before. Is that what you want? The choice is yours, dear reader.
In these articles, you will discover that some diseases occur as a result of aging, aging being, after birth and maturation, that gradual and eventual exhaustion of the spirit/energy which powers one’s cells, a natural prelude to the closure of one’s existence, the set end to one’s being.
See? Nothing lasts forever. Why it should, is a thought I will leave to you to ruminate upon.
On this platform, you will also discover that not all diseases occur naturally. You will see just how modern witchcraft, yes that evil craft of witches, which men and women in white coats utilising microscopes and petri dishes practice today, which utilises science and its protean instruments, is creating germs to cause diseases.
Some emerging diseases are coming from the lab. As has been usual before, the jury is out, it isn’t really the monkeys to blame.
You will see just how companies are making astronomical profits, trillions of dollars from man-made germs and epidemics. Under the guise of healthcare, you will learn the many deleterious and nefarious events that are presently covertly happening.
This column will reveal to you how healthcare has been weaponized. This column will illustrate to you just how dangerous it has become to centralise power and authority over people’s health.
People must be left alone to look after themselves. No government anywhere in the world, under any ruse or mandate, should perform an invasive procedure on any individual without his or her consent.
Further, I will show you that, just like garages or service centres for automobiles, hospitals or clinics are truly important and have their place in the world. On the other hand, I will present the cogent argument to you, dear reader, that it is homes which are more important, which matter the more.
You see, hospitals are erroneously referred to as health facilities. That is a misnomer.
There is nothing healthy about hospitals. Hospitals and clinics are disease or service centres, restoration hubs if you like.
Ailing, you get there and get serviced. They patch you up, and then, they send you home. When broken again, you get back. Just like that, the cycle of mending continues.
You see, dear reader, the responsibility for your health is not with a hospital, it is with you. It is not even with the government.
Ordinarily, people ought to live on water and food. And not pills.
Congestion at clinics or hospitals in a given community is a reliable sign that public health measures are either absent or have failed in that community.
For instance, there is an inverse relationship between water and sanitation, and disease. The better the water and sanitation in a community, the lower the occurrence of diarrhoeal diseases in that community.
Homes are the real and true health facilities. Almost always, it is in homes where health is maintained and from where diseases originate.
Healthy families create healthy homes, and healthy homes create healthy nations. You see, through nosocomial infections, hospitals can actually kill you.
It follows then that any government that intends to keep its communities of citizens healthy and away from hospitals must strategically and seriously invest in in the health of homes. Investment in the creation of healthy families should be in any nation’s sustainable development plans.
I will further show you that a woman, a mother in particular, in her home, is more important than a nurse or doctor in a hospital. Truth be told, an appropriately educated mother is responsible for both the proliferation and survival of our kind, mankind.
Just like a new car in the right, caring hands can clock hundreds of thousands of kilometres without breaking down, a congenitally sound human being under a given set of living conditions can reach the age of 65 with no hospital support whatsoever along the way.
Women and homes play a decisive role in this desirable phenomenon.
Yes, men matter. But not really. Men are somewhat redundant.
Nature deliberately produces less of these creatures. They appropriately and necessarily account for a significantly smaller population of human beings.
Women matter more. Explains why nature has given us more X-chromosomes than the other one.
That today women want to be like men is just one of those cultural calamities that have befallen us. We want to be like men, every March on International Women’s Day, they stupidly proclaim.
Health is function as intended by design.
This is the correct and most accurate definition of health. The truest, that is if there is such a thing as truest. It is just what it is.
It applies to all things, both animate and inanimate. We should then, restricting ourselves to biological phenomena, qualify this definition as cellular function as intended by design.
Every cell has a purpose. Departure from this purpose is sin, commonly called disease.
Disease, therefore, both infectious and non-infectious, is Interference with, disturbance of or departure from function as intended by design.
As you read, dear reader, note that function precedes form. Intention comes before creation.
From the foregoing, dear reader, you will see that when you eliminate that which interferes with or disturbs cellular function as it is intended by design, all diseases are eliminated, they cease to exist.
Back to immortality. Immortality then is simply the maintenance of cellular function as intended by design, assuming that eventual cell exhaustion and death isn’t part of the design. But then it may be, you see. Just think about that.
Turns out it wasn’t the pangolins and bats after all. That was just another red herring of theirs.
For example, in this column, you will learn that SAR CoV-2, the germ which causes COVID-19 was bio-engineered in a laboratory. You will also be shocked, and this partly explains why Donald Trump and Elon Must through DOGE [US Department of Government Efficiency], are shutting it down, to learn that USAID funded this diabolical lab work.
You will also see and wonder just how the patents for COVID-19 vaccines were filed way before the disease outbreak began. Your eyes will widen like saucers, and your anger will explode and cause you to seek the face of God lest you do something calamitous and illegal in retaliation.
So, read it, dear reader. It is an important column I tell you.
You will learn things here that you won’t find anywhere else. Things, some deliberately hidden, that you must know.
Ah, yes! You ask. Should I take the COVID-19 vaccine, Dr Canisius BANDA?
Since you ask me, I will tell you, hell no, don’t take it lest you die. What?
And trust me, I am not an anti-Vaxxer. I am just an aware human being, only a celestial body filled with light.
So if you are phototropic, dear reader, you will follow me.
And for those that have already taken the jab, I can only perform the sign of the Cross for them as an act of empathy on my part.
How you could die from it, I will explain that to you later in subsequent articles. Suffice to say that many Zambians have already prematurely and suddenly died from some of these vaccines, medical or scientific devices that ought to have prevented their deaths in the first place.
Here, it is a comforting place to be, I tell you. So every week on Tuesday, come to The Mast and consume this mind food. It will make you healthy, and perhaps, even smile.
We are pieces of light, bits of God. That is what we are. He is in us, and we reflect Him.
Though many of you don’t see us, we are right there in your midst. We are the Watchers.
Nonetheless , darkness recognises us. When we approach, darkness recedes.
We are the guardians of Earth, vessels of God, conduits for the manifestation of His magnificence. Throughout time, we have always been here.
We lay no claim to anything. The glory for all that we do belongs to Him. We are pilgrims.
And like the sun, whether praised or not, we rise all the same, and we keep shining. That is just what we are. It is our character, it is our role/purpose.
Pieces of light, specks of truth. Pixels of God, is all we are. And I, am one of Them.
Enough said for now.
Oh! Before I forget, one last shot. Through gain-of-function experiments, a lethal infectious disease far, far worse than COVID-19, is currently being planned.
Keep your ears to the ground. Godspeed!
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